An additional allocation of about 10 million over three years to expand the capacity building mileage programme by strengthening education in parenting and encouraging continuous learning -未来三年共拨款约1 , 000万元用于扩展自在人生自学计划,增强家长教育,鼓励持续进修。
According to the report , consultants for the youth and sports ministry had reached an estimated price tag of rm399 . 67mil for the equipment for the ikbn project which later ballooned to rm767 . 98mil after two appeals by the ministry for additional allocations 根据报告,青年体育部的顾问本来猜测了39967万令吉的器具拨款于国家青年技术学院,但经过两次的加额拨款要求之后,有关的拨款增加至76798万令吉。